Monday, May 25, 2020

Sexuality, Intimacy, And Intimacy Essay - 1051 Words

Introduction: Lichtenberg, P. A. (2014). Sexuality and physical intimacy in long-term care. Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 28(1), 42-50. doi:10.3109/07380577.2013.865858. Sexuality and intimacy in older age is a subject that is still in need of further study. The object of this article is to examine the sometimes sensitive subject of sexuality and intimacy in older adults, especially those living in long term facilities. The intention of the research is to offer a look into how sexuality and intimacy plays a role in elderly individuals lives. The primary goal of the research is to help develop strategic measures, in which those working in long term care facilities can use to help aid them in assessing a patient s capability to enter sexual or intimate relationships. The research helps in displaying any trends that suggest whether or not those of older age function well enough on a cognitive level to be able to make decisions regarding their personal and intimate relationships. The article also examines how sex, intimacy, and relationships affect the overall well being of those individuals who are of older age, especially those living in long term care. Method Initial studies began in 1980, using patients living in a dementia ward. The goal of the study was to try and establish more concrete guidelines by which capacity can be assessed. The researchers chose to use the interview approach. The participants capacity was first examined using the mini mental stateShow MoreRelatedSexual Revolution971 Words   |  4 PagesSexual Revolution Evolution Intimacy is not free in the modern world. Political change, social change, systems of oppression, and globalization all contribute to the shape and to the limit of people’s intimate lives. The oppressive regulation of marriage and sexuality by states and cultures can really affect intimacy and incite sexual revolutions. 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While his book begins with discussing human-to-human relationships and intimacy, he explores modern technological intervention like dating websites and electronic sex toys. However, like the title suggests, Levy uses the the majority of his book to convince the reader that the use of sex robots are an inevitable evolution of robotic intimacy, and will be especially useful for minority sectorsRead MoreResearch Paper Ccou 301604 Words   |  3 Pagesbasic issues that cause a lack of intimacy and sex with marriages. I also intend to use proven counseling methods to help Christian counselo rs battle this issue within married couples. The title of the paper will be: The Necessity for Sexual Intimacy in Marriage. From pastoral experience, counseling married couples having difficulties in their marriage usually stems from a lack of intimacy. Both husband and wife for various reasons have drawn away from affection, intimacy and sex. There is great valueRead MoreAnalysis of The Transformation of Intimacy by Anthony Giddens807 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of The Transformation of Intimacy by Anthony Giddens How does sexuality come into being, and what connections does it have with the changes that have affected personal life on a more general plane? In answering these questions, Anthony Giddens disputes many of the interpretations of the role of sexuality in our culture. The emergence of what he calls plastic sexuality, which is sexuality freed from its original relation of reproduction, is analyzed in terms of the long-term developmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Sexual Revolution On Young Adults And Their Development968 Words   |  4 Pageslife and romantic skills by men and women are hindered by hooking up, because instead of learning skills for marriage, like mutual trust and intimacy, hook ups nurture bad skills and overrule helpful dating practices. Marriage is wounded by hooking up because hook ups do not foster necessary practices for long-term relationships, like mutual trust and intimacy. This paper argues that long term relationships are undermined by the â€Å"Hook Up† c ulture because hooking up promotes distrust, doubt, fear, aRead MoreRomantic Relationships : Relationship With Intimacy, Support, Satisfaction, And Physical Attractiveness1069 Words   |  5 Pagesand final close relationship that is formed during the course of someone’s life is romantic relationships. These romantic relationships usually involve the concept of love and is certainly is not â€Å"merely a close relationship extended to physical intimacy, and it involves more than merely being romantically or sexually interested in another person† (Baron Branscombe, 2012, p. 241). However, these relationships do not necessarily involve the prospect of love but rather, include many other influentialRead MoreThe Girls Of Their Summer Dresses By Irwin Shaw955 Words   |  4 Pagesspecific behavior, idea, or emotion that makes for a good marriage, though it is common for people to believe so. They think marriage will be easy, although the reality requires constant work. G ood marriages consist of communication, honesty, passion, intimacy and commitment. In the short story, â€Å"The Girls in Their Summer Dresses,† by Irwin Shaw, Michael and Frances’s relationship lacks these qualities; therefore, their marriage was not ideal. Most importantly, the husband and wife need to both want theRead MoreSex Is A Good Thing Essay1556 Words   |  7 Pagespeople on how to have great sex even after being married for 20 years and having almost no biological sex drive left! The book is set up into three sections that help build and understand intimacy and how it correlates with sex in married couples. The first section, The Basics, focused primarily on sex, intimacy, sexual potential, and personal growth. Dr. David explained throughout his chapters how sex is obviously a good thing, as we all know. However, he described how sex is not solely about biologicalRead MoreSexuality Within The Older Population1475 Words   |  6 Pages Sexuality within the Older Population Jonelle S. Allen LaSalle University Introduction Sexuality is an important core dimension of life that incorporates beliefs, cultures, rituals, attitudes, values, intimacy and pleasure. The expression of sexuality along with the desire for intimacy can be very complex especially for the older adult. Sexual dysfunction among older men and women commonly increases with age along with

Friday, May 15, 2020

How To Conjugate ‘Beber’ and Other Regular ‘-er’ Verbs in Spanish

Learn how to conjugate beber, the Spanish verb for to drink, and youll know how to conjugate regular -er verbs, which number in the hundreds. Note that the most common -er verbs—among them ser, haber, tener, and hacer—are irregular and need to be learned separately. Infinitive of Beber beber (to drink) Gerund of Beber bebiendo (drinking) Participle of Beber bebido (drunk) Present Indicative of Beber yo bebo, tà º bebes, usted/à ©l/ella bebe, nosotros/as bebemos, vosotros/as bebà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas beben (I drink, you drink, he drinks, etc.) Preterite of Beber yo bebà ­, tà º bebiste, usted/à ©l/ella bebià ³, nosotros/as bebimos, vosotros/as bebisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas bebieron (I drank, you drank, she drank, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Beber yo bebà ­a, tà º bebà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella bebà ­a, nosotros/as bebà ­amos, vosotros/as bebà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas bebà ­an (I used to drink, you used to drink, he used to drink, etc.) Future Indicative of Beber yo beberà ©, tà º beberà ¡s, usted/à ©l/ella beberà ¡, nosotros/as beberemos, vosotros/as beberà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas beberà ¡n (I will drink, you will drink, he will drink, etc.) Conditional of Beber yo beberà ­a, tà º beberà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella beberà ­a, nosotros/as beberà ­amos, vosotros/as beberà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas beberà ­an (I would drink, you would drink, she would drink, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Beber que yo beba, que tà º bebas, que usted/à ©l/ella beba, que nosotros/as bebamos, que vosotros/as bebà ¡is, que ustedes/ellos/ellas beban (that I drink, that you drink, that she drink, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Beber que yo bebiera (bebiese), que tà º bebieras (bebieses), que usted/à ©l/ella bebiera (bebiese), que nosotros/as bebià ©ramos (bebià ©semos), que vosotros/as bebierais (bebieseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas bebieran (that I drank, that you drank, that he drank, etc.) Imperative of Beber bebe (tà º), no bebas (tà º), beba (usted), bebamos (nosotros/as), bebed (vosotros/as), no bebà ¡is (vosotros/as), beban (ustedes) (drink, dont drink, drink, lets drink, etc.) Compound Tenses of Beber The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, bebido. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, bebiendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Beber and Other Regular -er Verbs Regular -er verbs used in these sentences include beber, comer (to eat), deber (to owe or be obligated), and vender (to sell). No piensan en quà © van a comer, quà © van a beber o quà © ropa se van a poner. (They dont think about what they are going to eat, what they are going to drink or what clothes they are going to put on. Infinitive. Although poner is also an -er  verb,  it is highly irregular.) Debes tener cuidado cuando cruces calles o entradas de estacionamientos. (You should be careful when you cross streets or parking-lot entrances. Present indicative.) Bebo demasiado cuando estoy nerviosa. (I drink too much when Im nervous. Present indicative.) Hemos vendido los dos coches a nuestros hijos. (We have sold the two cars to our children. Present perfect.) Los nià ±os han comido, pero no recuerdo quà ©. (The children have eaten, but I dont remember what. Present perfect.) Tengo miedo que estemos vendiendo nuestra alma al diablo. Im afraid were selling our soul to the devil. Gerund  used for the present progressive subjunctive.) Por primera vez los estadounidenses està ¡n bebiendo mà ¡s agua que refrescos, muestra un estudio reciente. (For the first time, U.S. residents are drinking more water than soft drinks, a recent study shows. Gerund used for the present progressive indicative) Se comparà ³ la cantidad de agua que bebieron las ratas en la fase 1 contra la que bebieron en la fase 2. (The amount of water that the rats drank in the first phase was compared with what they drank in the second phase. Preterite.) Fuimos de casa en casa y vendimos todo lo que cocinamos. (We went from house to house and sold everything we cooked. Preterite.) Yo debà ­a mucho a aquella mujer. (I owed a lot to that woman. Imperfect.) Con 40 pesos comà ­amos todo el dà ­a. (With 40 pesos we ate all day. Imperfect.) Creo que comerà © sushi todos los dà ­as. (I think I will eat sushi every day. Future.) Maà ±ana venderemos todos estos secretos y nos haremos ricos. (Tomorrow we will sell all these secrets and make ourselves rich. Future.) Para 2050, el 99% de las aves del mundo habrà ¡n comido trozos de plà ¡stico. (By 2050, 99 percent of the worlds birds will have eaten pieces of plastic. Future perfect.) Si produjà ©ramos a mayor escala venderà ­amos mà ¡s. (If we were to produce on a larger scale we would sell more. Conditional.) Le escribià ³ un curioso mensaje a la actriz: Me beberà ­a el agua de tu baà ±era. (He wrote a strange message to the actress: I would drink your bathtub water. Imperfect.) No soy sexista, pero no creo que las mujeres deban hablar de fà ºtbol americano. (Im not a sexist, but I dont think that women should talk about football. Present subjunctive.) Hay muchos trucos para que los nià ±s se coman las verduras. (There are many tricks for getting kids to eat their vegetables. Present subjunctive.) Se la dio a sus amigos para que bebieran. (She gave it to her friends for them to drink. Imperfect subjunctive.) Por seguridad, no bebas hasta perder la conciencia. (To be safe, dont drink until you lose consciousness. Imperative.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Small vs Large Organisation Essay - 1356 Words

What are advantages and disadvantages of large versus small organisations? Final draft Submited to Sherin White Reading Writing course C Language Learning Unit 03rd Sept 2010 1165 words What are the advantages and disadvantages of large versus small organisations? Porter, Lawler and Hackman (1975) state that organisation is a social entity, existing in order to achieve certain goals, involving specialisation and having some degree of permanence. It is composed of two or more people but the actual number and the way in which they are organised into groups vary from one organisation to another therefore creating the differences between small and large†¦show more content†¦Due to the dimensions, large businesses have many problems in management as well as in many other issues. Having differences in attitudes, values or perceptions, disagreements about needs, goals, priorities and interests can create conflicts and disputes between employees. Sizani(2010) demonstrates that conflicts and disputes occur more frequently in large organisations than in the small ones. As a result of being running by more than one owner, the decision-making process is time-consuming. In addition, a larger business is less flexible than a small one. Accord ing to Dlabay, Burrow and Kleindl (2009:134), large businesses cannot serve customers where the number of products and services needed is small or the requirements are too specialised for a large business to make a profit. A Large business also requires a well organised structure in order to control and make the best use of workforce and resources. Therefore inadequate organisational structure and lacking of clarity in roles and responsibilities might cause serious problems for large businesses. While having some inconveniences in management and organisation, large businesses have a large number of advantages which small businesses cannot have. The capital of a large firm is considerable for the reason that it is generated from partners altogether. Besides this, decisions made byShow MoreRelatedSoftware Architecture : Designing And Creation Of A Structured Framework1271 Words   |  6 Pagessoftware more efficiently (Software Architecture, 2016). This paper examines two early stage seminal papers of Software architecture: 1) ‘On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules’ by D.L Parnas, published 36 years ago 2) And ‘Large scale systems require higher-level abstractions by Mary Shaw’ published 17 years ago. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Change Management Effective Implementation

Question: Discuss about the Change Management for Effective Implementation. Answer: Introduction: The workplace has undergone vast changes in the last decade or so. To begin with, there has been a sea change in the notion of an employee or worker as the organisations have reduced their full time employees and increased dependence on casual workers who tend to work on contractual basis. Further, there is a change in the composition of the workplace which has become increasingly diverse in terms of gender, generations, ethnicity, religious beliefs and even sexual orientation (Biro, 2015). The business environment has become exceedingly dynamic which is also reflected in the workplace becoming increasingly flexible. Technology has revolutionised the workplace giving it a digitalised makeup which has brought a fundamental alteration in the employee engagement process. The degree of automation observed at workplace has undergone a humongous leap forward with laptops and other programmable devices forming the mainstay of about every office (Colbert, Yee and George, 2016). Besides, the formality levels in the workplace have reduced due to the changing mix of employees and higher representation of younger generations who prefer to be more informal than their predecessors. Additionally, with the greater representation of young generations, the expectations from workplace have fundamentally altered resulted in a enhancement of overall dynamism. The employees are provided higher flexibility which enables them to maintain their work life balance and ensure that work is not impacted even in adverse situations (PwC, 2014). There has been a proliferation of the applicable workplace laws dealing with employee safety, anti-discrimination, pay and employment terms, prevention of harassment at workplace along with employment benefits. Further, empowered by technology, the workplaces have become increasingly globalised as the team members tend to be spread across the globe without facing any issues. Also, there is an increased focus in the workplace to reduce the a ssociated environmental impact and the underlying cost so as to become more cost competitive and sustainable (Miller, 2014). Implications for workers managers The profound changes in the workplace that have been outlined above have significant implications for both managers and employees. For the organisations and the managers, there are concerns of commitment and loyalty as the incidence of full time employment is on the decline. Loyalty essentially may be defined as a sense of attached to a particular employer which employee also find lacking as they are simultaneously engaged with multiple employers and essentially find time management to be the new challenge. For the managers, managing this part time workforce is a major challenge as commitment seems to be sacking from both parties involved. Also, the full time employees are becoming more demanding in terms of job satisfaction which essentially refers to the sense of fulfilment which an employee expects from the job (PwC, 2014). However, the single largest challenge for the modern workplace managers is to manage change in the organisation as employees tend to resist these changes. Therefore, the manager needs to have the requisite skillset to overcome the resistance on the part of the employees while ensuring that their morale is not adversely impacted (McCalman, Pathon and Siebert, 2015). In such a dynamic work environment there is constant insecurity for the employees as job losses have become too common especially as casual labour become increasingly common. This raises another challenge for the managers with regards to keeping the employees motivated through the use of various incentives and rewards while ensuring the employee cost is minimised. Motivation refers to the cause which prompts the given individual to act in a manner they do. The challenge is especially formidable for contractual employees who are constantly living this fear as to whether their contract would be renewed or not (Biro, 2015). The high amount of flexibility and use of technology have paved way to concerns regarding security and privacy. This is especially in the age when social networking has crossed the realm of professional communications as well. It is imperative to maintain a fine balance between two. Further, communication in virtual teams is a rising challenge for the managers as the project teams increasingly comprise members providing support from remote locations (Przybylski and Weinstein, 2013). Besides, in wake of rapid technological changes, it is essential that managers need to ensure that regular training sessions are provided to employees so that they remain productive. Thus, managers clear a difficult environment where the investment on employees is increasing but their tenure with the organisation is decreasing which needs to be curtailed (Colbert, Yee and George, 2016). Conclusion Way Forward As a manager, it is imperative to embrace change as a continued existence strategy and gain expertise in the change management skills (McCalman, Pathon and Siebert, 2015). Further, with the various technological developments happening at breakneck speed, it is essential that the manager needs to stay updated with relevant developments. Also, it is imperative for the manager to have exceptional communication skills for management the teams as open communication is pivotal ingredient for success in this new workplace (Colbert, Yee and George, 2016). With regards to choosing the appropriate organisational communication techniques, a manager should consider the available alternatives and make choices which are congruent with the situation at hand (Biro, 2015). Besides, it is pivotal for the manager to develop a bond with the employees so as to enhance the overall commitment and loyalty towards the organisation. In order to ensure high motivation level amongst employees, it is essential to understand their individual employees so as based on the underlying needs, requisite motivation strategy may be deployed. Also, the manager must have a sound understanding of the business and the direction in which it is proceeding especially in a dynamic environment when the focus of the company tends to be dynamic (PwC, 2014). Also, it is essential the superior risk management tools should be used particularly with technology as an enabler. Additionally, in this environment when the business values and ethics may be easily compromised by the employees, it is essential for the managers to emphasize the same in the behaviour of the co-workers and subordinates (Biro, 2015). Moreover, the managers are also expected to be innovative in their approach towards dealing various problems which tend to arise in the wake of complex decision making in the backdrop of an uncertain environment where adaptability is paramount (Van Knippenberg et. al., 2015). References Biro, M. 2015, The Future Of Work Is Here: Are Your Managers Prepared?, Talent Culture, [Online] Available at [Accessed March 20, 2017] Colbert, A, Yee, N and George, G 2016, The digital workforce and the workplace of the future, Academy of Management Journal. 59(3), pp.731-739 McCalman, J, Pathon, RA and Siebert, S 2015,Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation, 4th edn. London: SAGE Miller, NG 2014, Workplace trends in office space: implications for future office demand,Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 16(3), pp. 159-181 PwC 2014, Millennials at Work, Price WaterHouse Coopers, [Online] Available at [Accessed March 20, 2017] Przybylski AK and Weinstein N 2013, Can you connect with me now? How the presence of mobile communication technology influences face-to-face communication quality, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30(1), pp. 237246. van Knippenberg, D, Dahlander, L, Haas, M, George, G 2015, Information, attention, and decision-making. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), pp. 649657